Personal Training

Personal Training

Promote Better Health Within Your Business

Team Up With Mims Fit To Encourage Employees To Get Fit

Have you been looking for a fitness program that motivates your employees to get moving? Mims Fit can help! We love partnering with local businesses and providing the encouragement needed to live a healthier lifestyle. Jaysun & Mistie are happy to offer fitness and nutrition classes that allow your employees to incorporate steps toward better health slowly over time. From encouragement and advice to scheduling group workouts, Mims Fit can work with your company to create a health and fitness program your employees will love! Learn more by calling Mims Fit.

The journey to better health begins with a single step

Mims Fit has provided assistance to individuals seeking to improve their health and fitness levels for more than 30 years. We specialize in one-on-one personal training, and will provide you with the extra boost you need to improve your overall health. Come to us for:

  • Small Group Training
  • Partner Training
  • Personal Training
  • Nutritional guidelines for a healthier lifestyle

Our team of trainers provides all of this and more. Reveal a healthier, fitter you with the help of Mims Fit.

Kick Goals with Personal Training at MIMS FIT

On a spring-like day, six women gathered at a parking lot north of Streeter Brothers Insurance after completing a moderately paced walk that circled the campus of Billings Clinic.

Wellness instructor Jaysun Mims backed his black SUV into a parking lot, left the tailgate open and cranked up the tunes on the stereo. As Mims handed out resistance bands, the women went to work on toning their arms. First came the biceps curls. Then, as Mims provided pointers on posture and the proper grip, each woman anchored the elastic band with a foot and started counting out triceps presses. "Keep that core nice and tight," Mims said, his voice booming across the parking lot. "Good job! Breathe in. Exhale. Now squeeze. Squeeze. Squeeze!" he said.

"When I count it down, we're going to take this a little faster," Mims continued. "Hit those triceps. Keep those elbows in and press it up. We're gonna push! Push! Push!"

"He always loses count," Paula Vigus deadpanned as Mims seemed to be repeating a few numbers on the way to the last repetition.

Class participants say the exercise has paid off.

"I feel better," said Grace DeLong, a regular in the exercise group. "I've noticed that I can do things I couldn't do before. Jaysun always challenges us, and I always look forward to Tuesday."

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